Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Raining Season

March is a crucial month for Northeastern Brazilians who have been waiting for the rain to fall. 
In that region, mainly in the area of caatinga (an exclusive ecosystem), there are only two possibilities
for the weather to be: rainy, from mid December to June, and dry for the rest of the year.

Many times, the rain comes too late, more precisely after March, the 19th, which is St. Joseph's day. After that, not raining means catastrophe. That is why the month of March is surrounded by
many religious activities, most of them asking St. Joseph for water.
These pictures were shot in late January this year, showing that the rain was already falling, coloring the landscape in green and blue against a welcome gray sky.
To St. Joseph, our very deep appreciation.


Lilly said...

These photos are beautiful, just beautiful!

Jo Silver said...

Coming from somebody like you who has such a unique way to look at beauty, I find your comment a real compliment. Thanks and congratualtions for your blog... lots of interesting thinhg to see.